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Home Remedies for Sunburn

 Home Remedies for Sunburn

 The intense heat of the sun causes skin irritation.  Children's skin is sensitive because it is delicate and they are more likely to get sunburn.  Often we do outdoor activities.  In summer, going out during the day means skin peeling.  It affects children as well as adults.  Darkening of the skin, burning of the skin is a problem for everyone in summer.  Sunburn occurs in two stages, even if it takes only 10-15 minutes.  Everyone should take care of this.  This is because prolonged exposure to the sun can lead to skin cancer.

 Sunburn is treated with age.  If the baby is less than 12 months old, it needs immediate treatment.  Medications are given according to the severity of the sunburn after examination by a doctor.  If there is nausea and vomiting along with this condition caused by the sun, see a doctor immediately

 1.  How does sunburn happen?

 The sun's rays are intense in summer.  Suntan gives the body a protection, but sunburn occurs when the sun's intense rays are high on the delicate skin cells.  Your body has a natural sunscreen, called melanin.  Excessive storage of myelin causes sunburn.  Sunburn injures living skin cells and increases the risk of skin cancer.  Always wear sunscreen when you go out with your children.

The first stage of sunburn.

 The first stage of sunburn is when the skin becomes red and swollen.  These symptoms take 2 to 5 days to heal.  It heals quickly if the skin gets moisturized.  Moisturizers and hydration restore the skin quickly.

 The second stage of sunburn.

 The second stage has symptoms such as swelling, reddening of the skin, and redness.  Special care is required at this time.  Blisters on the skin are also a symptom of the second stage of sunburn.  These fine pores protect the skin.  See a doctor as soon as possible for inflammation and red skin.

 First aid for sunburn.

 Some home remedies for sunburn need to be given first aid.  If you are out in the village with your children or away from home, these first aid will work like a bandage.  If sunburn has pustules on the baby's skin, do not let it break.

 Another solution is to soak a towel in cold water over the injured area.  Soak the area with a cold towel.  Sunburn also causes dehydration in children.  So give them more of the liquid.  Giving water and formula milk will help reduce dehydration.  Apply aloe vera moisturizer to reduce skin moisture so that the baby does not get itchy or irritated.  Avoid applying petroleum gel like Vaseline.  This will make the inflammation worse.

 If sunburn has reddened the skin, there is not much to worry about.  But if pustules start to appear on the skin, see a doctor immediately.

Treatments for sunburn are at home.

 Often you do not have enough knowledge about how to use the many things in your home.  If you have sunburn, there are some things in your home that can help you.  Here are some tips to help you get started:

 1.  Oats.

 One of the things that is always in the kitchen is oats.  The oats you eat for breakfast can be useful for sunburn.  Put a cup of oats in the baby's bath water.  Let the baby sit in the oats water for as long as he wants.  Oats are useful in reducing sunburn.  Oats relieve pain.  The skin feels cold.

 Another solution is to take a bath with lukewarm water.  Even better if you take a bath with cold water.  Do not wipe the baby's body with a towel immediately after bathing.  Absorb water with a soft cloth.  And apply moisturizer.

 2.  Ice

 Applying ice to the skin quickly reduces pain and redness.  Wrap in ice cloth and rub gently on the skin.  Do not apply ice directly to the skin, as this can increase the pain and cause frostbite.  Ice will reduce inflammation.

 3.  Aloe.

 Aloe vera is one of the most popular natural remedies for sunburn.  You can remove the aloe vera leaf and apply it directly on the baby's skin.  This will soothe the skin and cure sunburn quickly.

 4.  Yogurt.

 You can combine yogurt and coconut oil and apply it on the injured skin.  It is better to apply aloe vera gel in curd.  This moisturizes the skin and closes the irritating pores on the skin.  Take cold curd, mix coconut oil in it and apply it on the skin.  And rinse with lukewarm water for a while.  Yogurt contains probiotics.  These help to compensate for the loss of skin.  Yogurt will create a layer on the baby's skin that will heal sunburn quickly.

 5.  Milk

 Milk is also an easy remedy to cure sunburn.  The fats and proteins in milk form a protective layer on the injured skin.  You can put cold milk on sunburn.  This will cool down and protect the skin from further damage.

 6.  Raw honey.

 Raw honey is medicinal.  As honey is an antiseptic, it has an early effect on sunburned skin.  Apply raw honey on the sunburned area and wash off after a while.  Honey can also be used as a moisturizer.

 7.  Potatoes.

 Boil the potatoes and when it cools down, grate it and put it on the sunburn.  Potatoes absorb heat without reducing skin moisture.  Potatoes are also useful for getting rid of dark spots.  It is used to lower body temperature.  Wash the potatoes after 10-15 minutes.

 8.  Do not use soapy water.

 If the baby has sunburn, keep him away from soap to take care of his skin.  Soap can increase inflammation.  Soap reduces natural oils on the skin and it reduces moisture in the skin resulting in dry skin.  Rely on other cool things instead of soap.  Also avoid bubble baths.

  Don't let children play outside between 10 am and 4 pm to avoid sunburn.  The sun's rays are intense during this time.  Children's skin is fragile and they are prone to it.  Also don't forget to apply sunscreen.  Only send children out with SPF30 sunscreen.

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