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viral fever symptoms and Home remedies for instant relief

 Let's get rid of viral fever with natural remedies.

 Climate change seems to be exacerbating the problem of viral fever.  The changing environment has an immediate effect on the health of children and the elderly.  As the prevalence of corona virus increases worldwide, health care is needed.  Some home remedies are needed to stay away from viral fever.  Let's find out the symptoms of viral fever and how to prevent it ...

 Symptoms of Viral Fever:

 If there is a viral fever, some special symptoms appear in the body.  Symptoms include sore throat, headache, joint pain, vomiting, red eyes, and fever.  Violent fever affects children and the elderly immediately.  Therefore, it needs to be addressed immediately.

 Avoid taking the medicine immediately:

 If you are taking medicine immediately after the onset of viral fever, do not do so.  Increase the amount of fluids in the diet.  Include water, soup, tea, coconut water and dal water in your diet.  But, keep in mind, if the symptoms get worse, consult a doctor immediately.

 * Home remedies are also beneficial *

 In case of viral fever, it is very beneficial to take some home remedies instead of medicines.  Honey, ginger and turmeric are very effective in treating these problems.  Ginger is very beneficial for health.  It contains anti-inflammable, antioxidant and many other healing properties.  Which helps to get rid of viral fever.  Combine ginger, turmeric and honey to make extract.  Its consumption helps to get rid of viral problems.

 Home and Safe Remedies -

 Ginger -

 When dealing with viral fever, mix turmeric, black pepper and sugar to make a decoction.  Drinking this extract three to four times a day will help in reducing fever.

 Coriander -

 Put a spoonful of coriander in a glass of water and boil the water.  Then drain the water.  Mix sugar / jaggery or honey in it as required.  If you want to drink it in the form of tea, mix milk in it.  This helps to combat viral fever.

 Basil -

 Mix a tablespoon of clove powder with a handful of basil leaves.  Boil this mixture in one liter of water.  It is beneficial to drink the extract every 2 hours as needed.

 Make a decoction of basil leaves and add cardamom powder and sugar in it and drink it

 Fenugreek -

 Soak a tablespoon of fenugreek seeds overnight.  In the morning, mix lemon juice and honey in fenugreek seeds.  This mixture enables the body to fight off viral infections.

 Rice -

 Mix one part rice and half part water and steam.  Remove the water after the rice is half cooked.  Mix salt in this water.  It is also called kanji or page water.  It is beneficial for combating viral infections.

 Garlic -

 Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice.  Eating this mixture helps reduce infections.

 Raisins -

 Soak the raisins in water overnight.  Eating soaked raisins in the morning reduces the risk of viral infections.

 Honey and Ginger -

 Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties.  Which are beneficial in preventing fever and cold.  It can also help prevent sore throats and shortness of breath.  This can be a great way to prevent viral infections.

 Basil and black pepper -

 Basil is beneficial in boosting the immune system.  Helps to relieve asthma, arthritis.  Basil is also good for cold and cough.  The anti-bacterial and anti-biotic properties of black pepper help in boosting the immune system.


 Mixing a pinch of turmeric in a glass of hot water and drinking it every morning can be beneficial.  This water is good for the liver.  It helps in expelling toxins from the liver.  Turmeric has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties that enable it to fight viral infections.  Helps to prevent viral infections.

 Amla -

 Amla is beneficial in cold days.  Amla contains vitamin C.  Amla helps in boosting the immune system as well as improving digestion.  It also has the benefit of protecting against viral infections.

 Mint and ginger.

 Peppermint and ginger extract is useful for any type of fever.  You can also add fenugreek and honey in it.

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