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How to remove acne marks . Get clear glowing skin

 Acne Marks Skin Care: All the marks will be erased, follow these 5 home remedies for impeccable beauty

 Marks of acnes and blades show skin dull and faded.  Blackheads and acnes are usually cleaned after scrubbing.  But they leave fine and dark marks on the skin, which bring darkness in the skin from place to place.

 Poor looking skin due to acne and blackheads can be cured with easy home remedies.  For this, we have brought here some herbal solutions.  So that you do not have to face problems due to the chemical used in any cream during the summer season.

 Adopt these herbal products


 Due to sweat and heat, there is a high probability of reaction of any kind of products during the summer season.  Therefore the use of herbal things is always beneficial.  You can benefit your skin with the things mentioned here


 -Lemon juice

 - interest juice

 -Apple Cider Vinegar

 -Ag White

 Cucumber made ice cube

 To reduce the acne and pimple, as well as to remove their marks from the skin, you can grate the cucumber or make a paste by grinding it in a grinder.  After this, keep it in the fridge to make ice cube.

 When ice cubes of cucumbers are ready, wrap them in a cotton cloth or cotton handkerchief and apply it on the entire skin, until the ice cube is finished.  This will eliminate skin marks.  The speed of Pimple and Acne will decrease as well as the skin will remain Titaning.

 Lemon juice

 Mix equal quantity of lemon juice and Gulabjal.  Now mix half a teaspoon of honey in this mixture.  Apply the prepared mixture on your face for 20 to 25 minutes and then wash the face with fresh water.

 Lemon juice is the period of Acne and Pimple.  Also, honey protects the skin from dryness and rose water prevents redness or swelling on the skin.  But keep in mind that lemon juice reacts very quickly.  So do not use it directly on the skin.

 Onion juice is the enemy of Acne-Pimple

 Hearing onion juice may make you feel a little strange and the idea that you have to apply the juice on your face can scare you.  But don't worry.  The method that we are going to tell you here, will not cause irritation on your skin and will not irritate the eyes.

 -2 teaspoon Poha (soaked in water for 5 minutes)

 - 1 teaspoon honey

 -1 small onion

 -1 teaspoon aloe vera gel

 Mix all these things together and make a paste.  Apply the prepared paste on your face for 20 to 25 minutes.  Then wash face with fresh water.  Use this pack two to three times a week.  Soon the face will be clean.

 Apple cider vinegar

 Apple vinegar is very beneficial for the skin.  In particular, this is the surest solution to overcome the problems of Acne and Pimple.  Prepare the solution by mixing one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with two teaspoons of rose water.  Now apply it on the face with the help of cotton.  Then wash face after 10 minutes.

 Do not use if your skin is very sensitive.  Also, do not apply apple vinegar directly on the skin without adding water or rose water.

 Egg white

 Proteins and amino acids are found in abundance in eggs, which work to remove spots and heal the skin.  To apply the mask on the face, you can mix two egg whites together and beat it well.

 Apply the prepared solution on the face and then leave it to dry.  After that wash the face with lukewarm water and clean the face.  Use this face pack 2 to 3 times a week.  Skin will be beautiful, soft and fair.

 Skin will become soft and clean

 By adopting these home remedies, the skin will remove spots and spots.  Nikhari and youthful skin will add beauty to your beauty.  You can also use these tips on the shoulders, back or legs in addition to the face and neck.  These tips will protect your skin from sunburn and sun damage.


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